Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today in science my group made sherbet.
To make it you need:
Icing sugar.
Raro fruit drink mix.
Baking soda.
Citric acid.
Tartaric acid.
A bowl.
Measuring cups.

The method:
Put 1 cup of icing sugar in the big mixing bowl.
Then put 1 heaped teaspoon of Raro in the bowl.
Then stir.
Put in 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda.
Then put 1/2 a teaspoon of tartaric and citric acid.
Then stir.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Science Work

Today one of my must dos was this science experiment. These are the instructions.
1: Measure out 2 metres and mark the start of it and the end of it.
2: Role a tennis ball on the wooden floor and time it with the stop watch.
3: Repeat it on carpet and concrete.
Our time was for the wooden floor 1.89 seconds, carpet 2.01 and concrete 1.11
The different surfaces may have slowed the ball down or sped it up.
The surfaces might not be level.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today at Enrich -1/11/11

Today my Talent Development group did 2 experiments to do with ice. We were testing the melting rates.  For the first experiment, we used one normal ice cube, one frozen Raro drink, and one frozen sugar water. The normal ice melted 1st, sugar ice 2nd and Raro 3rd.  It was surprising because I thought they would melt a the same pace. After that we did the other experiment with ice. There was normal ice, ice with a teaspoon of sugar sprinkled on it and one with a teaspoon of salt sprinkled on it.  We were investigating which ice cube would melt the quickest.  The one with the salt melted the quickest because salt lowers the freezing point. I played Caleb in a game of chess I unfortunately lost. Now I am going to do Where in the World.

Today at Enrich -25/10/11

Today I had a choice of what Talent Development I wanted to do - Math or Science (experiments), I chose Science. My group did an experiment with a light sensor to see which light was constant and which light flickered. The lamp was constant and the candle flickered. We also tested a TV remote and a dinoscope.
I did the P4C workshop, Habits of the Mind, cartooning (I chose to cartoon Piri Weepu) and the Friendship workshop. It was about what makes a good friend.
I played Hamish in a game of chess I lost - now for a re-match.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hi David.
What a great start you have made to Term 4 at Enrich!  You were enthusiastic during our science talent development session.  It was great fun to unpack the new science trolley, and to conduct an experiment using the light senor.  The data recording was accurate, and this allowed you to make some interesting comments about our results.  It was great to see you looking at the graph, and thinking how you could use it to make a summary within our conclusion.  Keep up the great effort David.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two Stars and a Wish

Reflection for Term 3

1st star:  Working as a group and meeting new people when making our documentary.
2nd star:  The fact we could win the competition called the MADE Awards.

My wish is that we could have had more time for the documentary making.

Our groups documentary is about 5 attractions in Invercargill:  The Big Umbrella, The Southland Stags, The Water Tower, Queens Park and The Tuataras.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today at Enrich -20/9/11

Today at Enrich my group continued our documentary by cutting bits we don`t need on iMovie. We lost footage that we filmed on Friday but Alana might be able to find it so we did as much as we could. We put our titles on, our credits, our footage that we didn`t lose and our voice overs.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hi readers

Today at enrich I did an interview with my group. It was with Colin Anderson who works at the Invercargill Museum. We asked him about the Museum and it's history. I also made a phone call to an expert about the big Umbrella on Don street.
I also continued with canstruction designing the Kiwi.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Today at Enrich my group wrote some interview questions for a stag player. Our documentary is on South...land. It is on the Invercargill icons like the Museum, Queens Park and The Water Tower.
I also did the goal setting workshop.  My goal is to learn to code switch better.

Today@enrich 16/8/11

Today at enrich I got selected for the Canstruction design team. Canstruction is when you get full cans of food and build something like a chess piece (a rook, bishop, queen, king, knight or a pawn). We have decided to do a kiwi. We also got further into our talent development by making phone calls to experts. We also had a visit from a person who interviews people and she gave us tips of how to interview other people.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hi David,

Your time management was great this week David, you worked hard to get as many tasks as you could, completed.  I was very impressed with the way you took charge in contacting SIT regarding filming experts.  You planned and made the phone call with a very mature attitude.  Keep up the super work!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today for documentary making, we started to plan the documentary by making phone calls to organise experts to teach us how to interview people and how to edit our footage.

Today at Enrich -1/8/11

Today at Enrich I did the P4C workshop. It was about if someone takes all of your stuff will you still be happy? I wouldn't be happy because it is all take and no giving back. I also did this thing that you have to find the lost Henry the tuatara. To find him you go and answer questions and find the place that the tuatara is. I think it is good because it challenges you.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

David, you have consistently tackled the challenges you have faced at Enrich with an optimistic attitude.  You have developed your artistic flair during talent development, your mosaics look fantastic!  It has been great to see you share your day with others by posting on your blog regularly.  


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today at enrich -5/7/11

Today I am going to make a part of a mosaic that we will donate to a place in Invercargill.It is a Tuatara with the spirit of a nation flag in the back ground.
I think it will look cool and represents Southland well.
Today we had a perfectionism task. We had to show the story in  a play - Little red Riding hood.It was fun to watch and act because you laugh if it is funny and cool to act.We do these tasks so we don't worry when the pressure is on.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today at enrich - 27/6/11

Today at Enrich I did the P4C workshop it was about if small things worry you like if you have a small headache do you still do your homework or if at school it is warm can you still concentrate on your work
I also did my grouting for my Mosaic piece of art. The grout is white and,it looks effective with the red and dark blue. See you next time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today at Enrich - 21/6/11

Today at Enrich I went to the P4C workshop. It was about this person who doubted everything till he prove it was true. I also tried to beat Darryn in a game of chess. I was so close, but then I made a wrong move.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gifted Week

This week is Gifted Week.  I think gifted means you are special and you think in a different way then other people would - for example, I think outside the square and I am more creative.  As a result, other people will look up to me and ask me for help.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today at Enrich - 7/6/11

Hi Readers.
Today I played Kavarn in a game of chess.  We had a draw and it was a hard game.  I also had a go with a new brain teaser puzzle.  You have 6 colour pieces and you have to to get them untangled and then put them back together.  It is really hard.  I got the yellow piece off but could not get any more off.  I also learnt about Tannenbaum - he is the maker of the sea star of giftedness.  It is made up of five parts:  Chance, General Ability, Special Aptitude, Environmental Supports and Non-Intellective Requisites.

Today at Enrich - 31/5/11

Today I did the P4C workshop with Alana.  It was fun.  We looked at how one person can change the world and i think someone can because they can cause a chain reaction.

I cant wait for another game of chess.  I lost a game against Karvarn today, so now I am 16th on the leader-board.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last Day

Today is the last day at Enrich for the term.
I learnt a new game called Captain's Coming. I think that game is good for listening and warming your body up.
I just played 3 games of chess. I won 2 of them.
My favourite chess piece is the knight because I like how it moves. I used it to win a game.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big day

Hi readers

Today at Enrich I did the multiple intelligences workshop with Darryn.  He talked to us about the intelligence's definitions.  I learnt about what intelligence strengths I am .

 I did the tessellation workshop with Darryn. I learnt about Esha and made a whale tessellation, it looks really effective.
Interactions was another thing we did about human interactions.  We made mind maps of the human interactions in our lives. It was with Alana.

Now off to chess!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today I did the multiple intelligences survey it is about the types of intelligences like nature, body, word, number ,people ,myself and music. I know a lot about myself.I also did p4c (philosophy for children) with Sarah it was interesting. It was about rewards for school like stickers ,certificates High 5`s and complements etc.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maths Today

Today I learnt Fibonacci Numbers. They are a pattern of numbers that you add the last two numbers to create a new number eg 1,1,2,3,5,8 that is the first 6. I also set myself a challenge with Honey Bees to see if Fibonacci Numbers relate to them.