Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Last Day

Today is the last day at Enrich for the term.
I learnt a new game called Captain's Coming. I think that game is good for listening and warming your body up.
I just played 3 games of chess. I won 2 of them.
My favourite chess piece is the knight because I like how it moves. I used it to win a game.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Big day

Hi readers

Today at Enrich I did the multiple intelligences workshop with Darryn.  He talked to us about the intelligence's definitions.  I learnt about what intelligence strengths I am .

 I did the tessellation workshop with Darryn. I learnt about Esha and made a whale tessellation, it looks really effective.
Interactions was another thing we did about human interactions.  We made mind maps of the human interactions in our lives. It was with Alana.

Now off to chess!