Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today at enrich - 27/6/11

Today at Enrich I did the P4C workshop it was about if small things worry you like if you have a small headache do you still do your homework or if at school it is warm can you still concentrate on your work
I also did my grouting for my Mosaic piece of art. The grout is white and,it looks effective with the red and dark blue. See you next time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today at Enrich - 21/6/11

Today at Enrich I went to the P4C workshop. It was about this person who doubted everything till he prove it was true. I also tried to beat Darryn in a game of chess. I was so close, but then I made a wrong move.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gifted Week

This week is Gifted Week.  I think gifted means you are special and you think in a different way then other people would - for example, I think outside the square and I am more creative.  As a result, other people will look up to me and ask me for help.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today at Enrich - 7/6/11

Hi Readers.
Today I played Kavarn in a game of chess.  We had a draw and it was a hard game.  I also had a go with a new brain teaser puzzle.  You have 6 colour pieces and you have to to get them untangled and then put them back together.  It is really hard.  I got the yellow piece off but could not get any more off.  I also learnt about Tannenbaum - he is the maker of the sea star of giftedness.  It is made up of five parts:  Chance, General Ability, Special Aptitude, Environmental Supports and Non-Intellective Requisites.

Today at Enrich - 31/5/11

Today I did the P4C workshop with Alana.  It was fun.  We looked at how one person can change the world and i think someone can because they can cause a chain reaction.

I cant wait for another game of chess.  I lost a game against Karvarn today, so now I am 16th on the leader-board.