Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

David, you have consistently tackled the challenges you have faced at Enrich with an optimistic attitude.  You have developed your artistic flair during talent development, your mosaics look fantastic!  It has been great to see you share your day with others by posting on your blog regularly.  


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today at enrich -5/7/11

Today I am going to make a part of a mosaic that we will donate to a place in Invercargill.It is a Tuatara with the spirit of a nation flag in the back ground.
I think it will look cool and represents Southland well.
Today we had a perfectionism task. We had to show the story in  a play - Little red Riding hood.It was fun to watch and act because you laugh if it is funny and cool to act.We do these tasks so we don't worry when the pressure is on.