Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today in science my group made sherbet.
To make it you need:
Icing sugar.
Raro fruit drink mix.
Baking soda.
Citric acid.
Tartaric acid.
A bowl.
Measuring cups.

The method:
Put 1 cup of icing sugar in the big mixing bowl.
Then put 1 heaped teaspoon of Raro in the bowl.
Then stir.
Put in 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda.
Then put 1/2 a teaspoon of tartaric and citric acid.
Then stir.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Science Work

Today one of my must dos was this science experiment. These are the instructions.
1: Measure out 2 metres and mark the start of it and the end of it.
2: Role a tennis ball on the wooden floor and time it with the stop watch.
3: Repeat it on carpet and concrete.
Our time was for the wooden floor 1.89 seconds, carpet 2.01 and concrete 1.11
The different surfaces may have slowed the ball down or sped it up.
The surfaces might not be level.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today at Enrich -1/11/11

Today my Talent Development group did 2 experiments to do with ice. We were testing the melting rates.  For the first experiment, we used one normal ice cube, one frozen Raro drink, and one frozen sugar water. The normal ice melted 1st, sugar ice 2nd and Raro 3rd.  It was surprising because I thought they would melt a the same pace. After that we did the other experiment with ice. There was normal ice, ice with a teaspoon of sugar sprinkled on it and one with a teaspoon of salt sprinkled on it.  We were investigating which ice cube would melt the quickest.  The one with the salt melted the quickest because salt lowers the freezing point. I played Caleb in a game of chess I unfortunately lost. Now I am going to do Where in the World.

Today at Enrich -25/10/11

Today I had a choice of what Talent Development I wanted to do - Math or Science (experiments), I chose Science. My group did an experiment with a light sensor to see which light was constant and which light flickered. The lamp was constant and the candle flickered. We also tested a TV remote and a dinoscope.
I did the P4C workshop, Habits of the Mind, cartooning (I chose to cartoon Piri Weepu) and the Friendship workshop. It was about what makes a good friend.
I played Hamish in a game of chess I lost - now for a re-match.